Thyme to plant

We can all benefit from a little more “thyme” in the garden. So we’ve pulled together our top tips for thyme; a kitchen staple that’s easy to grow, low maintenance, and adds a serious touch of taste to stuffings, slow-cooked meals, soups, sauces, pesto and herb breads.



Ahardy, drought-tolerant herb which can be planted in gardens or pots, thyme comes in a number of varieties, the classic being Thymus vulgaris, with its full, rich flavour making it the popular choice for casseroles and roasts.

Growing thyme from seed can take work, so it’s best to go with seedlings planted in free-draining soil or gravel in spring or autumn.

The popular perennial does best in well-drained soil in full sun, thriving with some protection from cold winds and wet winters.

It loves a good trim post-flowering to encourage new growth, and to help your plants last. Once established, thyme won’t need watering and it’s winter hardy, so you can pick leaves year round.

Use thyme fresh, dried or preserved in butter, vinegar or oil.

Pro tip: it can be used to make cough medicine, a hair rinse or a skin cleanser!


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