Dried flower trend keeps blooming: Victoria Florists

Natural, rustic and romantic: The popularity of dried flowers refuses to wane in 2020. Victoria Florist’s Leanne Lovell tells us how to include the blooms at your next inspired event.



Floral arrangements can transform an event, creating character and atmosphere. Flowers add colour, fragrance and a sense of occasion – whether to a wedding, bridal shower, baby shower, dinner party or corporate event.
Leanne says dried flowers have had a recent resurgence in popularity, with the trend appearing on the radar (and many a Pinterest board) about a year ago – and is now everywhere.

DRIED FLOWERS, FRESH IDEAS: While dried flowers are popular as pre-made bouquets, they can also be used for custom made hanging arrangements, floor installations, wedding arches or table settings. Leanne says table settings incorporating the dried blooms are especially becoming popular. “The colours and textures are so natural and warm, they add a really romantic and vintage feel to an event, and when combined with fresh flowers you can still get that vibrancy and fragrance.”

KNOW YOUR DRIED BLOOMS: With a large range of dried flowers available at Victoria Florist’s Idris Rd online and in store, Leanne says eucalyptus, hydrangeas, bunny tails, wildflowers, toi toi and proteas are especially popular choices at the moment.

LASTING MEMORIES: Choosing dried helps memories last even longer. Arrangements from the day can endure as beautiful decorations for the home, or repurposed into something new. At Victoria Florists, arrangements can be remade into new bouquets or wall hangings, including on stunning hoops.

Handy tip: Dust your dried flowers by spraying with compressed air or by using a low speed, no heat setting on your hairdryer to avoid damaging fragile petals, stems and leaves.


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